Thursday, March 17, 2011

MIA since the first of the month!

Wow, Have I really been missing in action since the last of February? Well, here's the story.

My husband and I were driving to celebrate his 60th birthday at a resaurant when I received a call from a doctor where my son is attending college. The doctor recommended that we come and pick him up because he had such a high fever (102-104) for five days and he and other doctors couldn't figure out why. He thought it might be a blood infection, gave me all this other scary talk, too. The university is 2 hours away.

So after Bob's dinner, we were on the road by 7:30pm. I was driving and it was a panicked mom trying to get to her son as quick as possible. A long the way, Ashby called and we coordinated a midway pick-up-transfer point. We drove him home and was at the house by 10:30. I called my school to tell them I would be out taking him to the doctor and ended up staying out 3 days. The bottom line was he had mono. It was a scary time for us. Spring break was the next week, so he was home recouperating.

We went to a gem mine to dig for sapphires as a fun thing do to before he went back to school.
He found 50 sapphires totally 45 carats in weight.

Enough of the my sad story, loyal bloggers, Couponcode Blog15 will earn you 15% off in my etsy store!! Come visit and find loads of spring items!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your son is doing better! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I appreciate your comments:)


Thanks for reading my blog! I appreciate your comments, well, really, I love to hear what you have to say!!



What kind of seeds would you buy in a handmade paper card?