Monday, August 13, 2012

Delicious Salsa Recipe

For my Facebook fans and blog fans who love salsa from the garden, here is the recipe that I used to make the beautiful salsa the other week that Bob posted on his facebook page.

Chunky Salsa Ingredients
7 lbs of tomatoes (about 20)
8 Anaheim or Poblano chili peppers ( I used 6 and the italics are what I used on this go round.)
4Jalapeno or Serrano chili peppers
2 cups chopped onions
1 bunch freshly washed and chopped cilantro
4 cloves garlic minced
4 garlic cloves or 1 whole for each jar (This will vary if you guesstimate on the amounts like I do)
1/2 cup white vinegar (5%)
1 T white sugar
1 t sea salt
1 t pepper

Wash and prepare the tomatoes bycutting/chopping, deseeding and letting drain .

Meanwhile, seed and chop the peppers. Wear gloves and do not touch your eyes or nose with the chili on your glove or skin. You want 2-3 three cups of the first type of pepper and 1/3-1/2 cup of the second peppers.

Add all the ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil. While you wait for it to come to a boil, get the hot jars, rings, and lids frm the dishwasher where they have been waiting. Drop one garlic clove (I used a garlic bulb) in each jar.

Ladle the salsa into the hot jars using a funnel, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Wipe the jar rims and adjust the lids and rings on snugly. Process the jars in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes for 8 oz, 20 minutes for quarts. Start the timer when the water has started to boil again.

Remove the jars using a jar lifter and cool on racks or a thick towel. Wait until the next morning to check for the correct seal. If not sealed, put in the refrigerator and use within 2 weeks.

Well, I know this is lengthy, but this is what I did and I chose this recipe because my notes said---"Bob loves this one"

Happy Cooking.

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What kind of seeds would you buy in a handmade paper card?